Rod Blagojevich! The former Illinois governor who tried to sell Obama's seat in congress. Obama was asked by the press if he had ever met Gov. Ron Blagojevich.
Barack Obama: "I only saw Rod Blagojevich one time .... and that was in the stands and from a distance at a Chicago Bears Football Game."

Rod Blagojevich, Barack Obama and Richard Daley during a rally inChicago, April 16, 2007. (Photo Reuters)
Rod Blagojevich (Democrat), Barack Obama (Democrat), and Richard M. Daley (Democrat - Mayor of Chicago since 1989)

You're trying to sell the Senate seat? You're breakin' me up. Let me know how that works out for you. I might be able to sell a few ambassadorships at a profit>

Hey, that's a really creative idea. I'll bet I could use that!

What do you think Rich? Works for me all the time in Chicago!

This is what we are dealing with? Do you get it yet? " I don't know nuttin".
To understand the next 4 years, you have to understand the world according to Chicago..
While it is a city in Illinois, it is also a completely different country, with a whole different set of morals and language.
There are only three rules which anybody can understand.
You don't even need an attorney to understand them and if you need an attorney, well, you know too much...so look out for Rule #3!
RULE #1...No matter what you see, hear, or do, you don't know anybody and you don't know nothing!
RULE #2...If you capture something on tape or camera, it doesn't reveal nothing!
RULE #3...If you know what everybody knows in Chicago, well, you still don't know nothing.
Now pay close attention! We don't want to have to say this more than once. It's very simple....we'll illustrate. Remember, you know nothing.
These two? They don't know each other! They said they didn't.
The fellas in the background of this picture? Well, what fellas? We don't see nothing!
The guy on the left? For all you know he's Santa Claus. And the guy on the right . . .well, he's the Easter Bunny! That's all you need to know.
Go to your eye doctor...your eyes are lying to you! Ca'pish?
Remember Jimmy Hoffa! He knew too much and now, well, now no one knows where he is. Is the big picture clear? Not these pictures! Remember, You've already forgot them...
Now, ain't that simple? They don't know each other, 'cause they said so! and neither do we!
And don't forget it!
P.S. If you pass this on to your friends, don't forget, you know nothing and they will know nothing.
What is the source of the quote that underlies this post:
ReplyDelete"I only saw Rod Blagojevich once...and that was..."
I have searched the net and cannot find its source.
I have also searched and could find nothing. This page should be deleted if the source cannot be cited.
ReplyDeleteThere is no source. It is fabricated for naive rednecks who think that a US Senator would not run into a Governor from his own state! It has been over a week. TAKE THIS BS OFF!
ReplyDeleteI found the following quote. It was from the great obama while Rod Blagojevich (Ill. Governor) was 'on trial':
FreedomsPhoenix.com — Barack Obama quote, "I only saw Rod Blagojevich one time and that was in the stands and from a distance at a Chicago Bears Football Game" http://digg.com/politics/The_Basic_Rules_in_Chicago
There it is Gentlemen!!!!! Either obama conveniently forgot OR cameras lie!!! Look up pics of them together in Reuters, Washington Post archives, 24Ahead.com, TIME, etc.
Wow... and a really credible source too, huh? Nothing like one of the actual news sources? Give me a break... this is utter crap.
ReplyDeleteRight and he never heard any of the Hate being sprayed by Rev Wright either ;) He is a liar
ReplyDeleteWow...you totally make up a statement, show meaningless pictures that contradict the made-up statement, and that proves...?
ReplyDeleteIf it was a false statement and Obama never said this shouldn't we expect to find it debunked on Snopes.com? They are curiously silent on this. Wonder why?
ReplyDeleteIt's not on Snopes.com because you can't prove that someone DIDN'T say something somtime somewhere. The burden of proof rests with those who report that he DID say this. Nothing here provides that proof.
ReplyDeleteI guess some people will not believe anything. There is proof that he said he had only seen him once at a football game from afar. Now the pictures do not appear to be doctored, it would be apparent. So what is there to doubt? If you want to look at Obamas honesty, "I will not have any lobbyists in my white house" there are at least 20 of them. Or how about, "If you pass this stmulus bill unemployment will not go above 8%" I believe it is creeping toward 10% now. "I will not raise taxes on anybody that is making less than $250k yr, then it was $220k yr, then it was $185k yr" Yeah Obama and George H. Bush. "I will not sign a bill with earmarks" right, only if it has between 1 and 9000. "I will stop earmarks" now it is "earmarks are not a bad thing". It is pretty apparent that the president just tells everybody what they want to hear. So did he lie about Blogo? The pictures sure show he lied.
ReplyDeleteWhile I'm sure Obama never said this--he was, after all, heavily involved with Blagojevich's campaign, and worked closely with the man for years--people can be excused for believing that BHO might have made such a claim.
ReplyDeleteAfter all, this is the man who referred to Bill Ayers as just "some guy in my neighborhood," or words to that effect. Even though BHO and Ayers had worked closely together for years, and Ayers was apparently involved involved in editing BHO's autobiography, for goodness sake. Ayers hired BHO to hand out millions of Annenberg dollars.
And BHO never heard Wright spewing racist hatred. Sure.
So BHO is not exactly a believable witness.
If people have to make up lies to rip on Obama... I guess Obama must not be that bad. Come on people. He never said this.
ReplyDeleteIf you don't like the guy or his policies, great... but at least use the truth to rip on the guy. Like I said... if you have to lie (he wasn't born in the US, etc.) then the truth must not be that bad.
How do you know Obama not being born in the US is a lie? His birth certificate is being kept hidden. I heard on the news a doctor in Hawaii stating the certificate is real because they say it. Hawaii says a birth certificate can't be released except for really important stuff. I guess that means Obama as president of the US isn't really important. At least according to the Hawaii officials.
ReplyDeleteYou say you want more evidence? http://blogs.abcnews.com/politicalpunch/2008/12/questions-arise.html, http://www.infowars.com/obama-lies-about-meeting-blagojevich/ It sure would be nice of the Obamaites would actually open their minds look around.
ReplyDeleteInteresting. As "proof" you offer a couple of URL's. Have you been to those URL's? Neither of them has anything like "Chicago Bears Football Game". So, just how does this "prove" by a reliable source that Obama ever said such a thing.
ReplyDeleteIf at first you don't succeed, try, try, try, etc., but be fair about supposed quotes. Don't make us go look them up when you know they're not what you claim them to be!
Do the dim wits who don't get the point. Obama looks very freindly in these pictures with a man who sold a seat in the senate. Play with dirt and you get you hands dirty. Doesn't matter if the quote is correct or not. His hands are dirty - you can see that in the pictures.
ReplyDeleteAs far as Snopes is concerned, their complete and total silence on the matter IS all the proof you need. The nice people at Snopes are tilted decidedly to the left, enough to make their 'TILT' light come on repeatedly. This has been around and around in e-mails and on web sites - and they don't even show 'undetermined'? I asked them several months ago about this, and got a form e-mail back that they were 'investigating' and they 'get many, many requests for information' or some such tripe. Take it to the bank - all of his other lies and Snopes complete silence on the subject are all the proof you need.
ReplyDeleteAfter having this e-mail sent to me, I too decided to look it up for real proof. And this is what I found. No real proof, but some people citing pictures and absence of proof as proof itself. This could be incredibly scary if this is how we do business, raise our children and make friends. There are plenty of real issues that we can agree or disagree with regarding our politicians. Let this one go and move on to something substantive is my hope.
ReplyDeleteWell Said, I like this quote from Steve Cotler "Citizens have a right to disagree. But democracy works when the populace decides based upon truth, not misrepresentation or slander" ahhh very Jeffersonian.. unless you live in Texas :-)
ReplyDeleteLMAO somebody above actually posted a link to Alex Jones' www.infowars.com site as a crdible source of this crap.
ReplyDeleteAlex Jones is credible? LOL thats hilarious!
Great expose, keep up the good work. The American people will be replacing this marxist in 2012!!!
ReplyDeleteI agree with you. This is an interesting blog post here.... Keep posting such an awesome blog post here.... thanks for sharing this with me.