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The mission of this blog is keep readers informed on all of the unAmerican activities and lies of the Obama Administration.

Sunday, July 4, 2010

Obama's Two-Faced Stance on Healthcare for Illegals

During Barack Obama's address to Congress on September 9, 2009, South Carolina Republican Congressman Joe Wilson made news after shouting "You lie!" when the President said the Administration's healthcare plan would not cover illegal aliens.

Wilson's outburst drew heavy and sustained criticism from the liberal press and their hypocritical allies in Congress. (No one in the media bothered to mention the fact that Obama had just moments before Wilson's comment accused his opponent of lying about the Obamacare plan.) But the fundamental question remains. Did Obama seek to cover illegal aliens with his healthcare reform proposals? Actually he later said that illegal aliens will not only be ineligible to receive taxpayer funded subsidies for healthcare, they will not even be able purchase health insurance with their own funds in the government-created marketplace.

Congressman Wilson may have been ill-mannered but I have no doubt that he is correct.
First, there is no mechanism in the health reform bill to check the bona fides of every applicant for taxpayer funded subsidies for healthcare so any illegal who wishes can simply apply. Second, if Obama succeeds in granting amnesty to the 12-20 million illegal aliens despite overwhelming public opposition, he will have converted them all to legal immigrants. Then in the next step all he needs to do is throw out the long standing federal policy and give taxpayer subsidies to legal immigrants who are not citizens.

This Obama two-step deceit on healthcare for illegals is a prime example of his perfidy and his presidential policy deception. It's deja vu all over again as Chicago-style, Alinskyite politics again raises its ugly head. So Obama really is a liar and there is nothing he says or does that we should put any trust in.

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