effort to steal elections:
1. Democrats have tried to create fake “Tea Party” political parties in multiple states to siphon off conservative and Republican voters who think they are voting for the “Tea Party” movement candidate. Just this week, Jason Bauer, the Political Director of the Oakland County Michigan Democrat Party, abruptly resigned amid
allegations that he created and notarized documents for an Arizona resident to run
for office as a “Tea Party” candidate in Michigan. The Arizona man had no prior knowledge that his name was being used. (A fake 'tea party' was sounded out in Florida, also recently.)
2. In 2008, good politicians on both sides of the aisle realized that our troops overseas, including those in the front lines in Iraq and Afghanistan, were being disenfranchised. Legislation with overwhelming support was prepared to ease this problem, but House Speaker Nancy Pelosi stopped the legislation and disenfranchised thousands of military voters. But not even Pelosi could stop efforts to ensure our military voters get a chance to vote in 2010, as the legislation with small changes passed with overwhelming bipartisan support in 2009. However,all signs are that the Obama Justice Department, who is charge of enforcing this legislation, won’t do so. This will result in thousands of military voters (the military is perceived to favor Republicans) being disenfranchised. The best number available is that nearly one
third of states have not complied with the law but it is hard to say for sure as Obama’s Justice Department will not even respond to questions on the issue!
3.Everyone has seen the infamous video
the case even though they had won a “default judgment.” However, most people do not know that the non-billy club waving talker New Black Panther Party Member in the video, Jerry Jackson, Jr., has been elected a Philadelphia Democrat Party Committeeman and will be at the polls again in 2010 with the endorsement of the Democrat Party!
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