The 800 pound gorilla that both candidates ignored is the effect of population growth on the quality of life and standard of living. They both take the approach that more immigrants is better. It isn't. We need to reduce the total legal immigrants admitted to no more than 250,00 per year focused entirely on those with the entrepreneurial and other skills or advanced education in physical science, engineering, medicine, biological sciences and mathematics who are most likely to help us remain competitive in the global marketplace. Foreign students who earn a PhD in any of the above areas should be fast tracked to citizenship if they so desire. Domestic students who have demonstrated the ability to succeed at that level should be given a full scholarship for as long as they maintain a high level of performance in graduate school. Students in other academic disciplines like the Social Scineces, Law, etc. should not be eligible.
Every adult applicant must be considered on this or her own merits and should receive no special consideration just because they happen to have a close relative in this country. This does not apply to the offspring and spouses of permanent residents and citizenss,
Migrant farm workers may be admitted on a temporary basis but children born of these workers and children born of illegal aiens,temporary visa holders will not be considered unther the jurisdiction of the U.S. and would therefore be inelligible for birthright citizenship.
The DREAM Act should be vetoed and replaced with a bill that: requires a minimum of 4 years of honorable military service, peovides for a regular audit of applications and applicants, and imposes a severe penalty on anyone who submits a fraudulent application up to and including immediate and permanent deportation. The Act should be applicable only for a limited window and then permanently expire.
Illegal aliens holding jobs will be identified through mandatory E-verfication of their work status. Those who enter the U.S. illegally or who remain present illegally subsequent to the passage of the bill shall be guilty of a felony and be treated accordingly. Other changes in the enforcement of the immigration laws should be heavily based on the confidential input of border patrol agents regarding the tools, regulation and instruction changes needed to enable them to close the borde to illegal aliens.
The Democrats are in the pocket of La Raza and the cheap labor lobbies. If they aren't the only other explanation is that they are as dumb as a post since everyone knows amnesty first, border security second does not work. That has been demonstrated ever since the first immigration bill was proposed years ago. The Democrats have sold their souls to the devil, a devil bent on destroying the America we know and lowe.